22 Weeks

So exciting happenin's in the House of Wiegand this month!

A couple of weeks ago we had our 20 week ultrasound at which the anatomy of baby looked great! The ultrasound tech was able to get almost all of her pictures really fast and easily! Except the lower spine. I had to stand up, walk around, drink juice, and pee in order to get baby to move so that she could get the picture. It took like 30 minutes of all this to get baby to move! It didn't bother me thought it just meant more chances to look at baby! We got to see it sucking it's thumb, and the little hands and feet! So precious! We asked the technician to not tell us the gender so that we could find out the news with our family!

{gender reveal cake from The Nugget}

 {BBQ Cupcakes with chocolate grills and gummy bear kabobs}

A couple days later I took the ultrasound photo to the Nugget and had them make a gender reveal cake! We had a family party to celebrate James' birthday with the theme of "What's Cookin'?" outdoor BBQ! It was such a blast! We started out by cutting the cake to find out that we are having a boy! We are thrilled!
{it's a boy!}

It was such an exciting day!

This week we also had some more exciting happening's! Daddy was able to feel baby boy moving around! That is always an experience that is exciting to me because although I am very obviously pregnant I feel like this experience always makes it so much more real for Daddy! I can't believe we are only 4 months away! This week I started going through all of Stella's old clothes to see what gender neutral things she had and pulled them all out to get ready for baby boy! I still have a LOT to do with his room though! I feel like I have no motivation to go through all of my JUNK! So frustrating! I know I will get it done though! Also starting to think about another baby shower! I feel like more and more people are having a second shower when they have a baby of another gender. I just want to celebrate this little baby boy as much as we did with Stella! He deserves a special party too!

Gender: Boy
Weight gain: +13 lbs
Maternity clothes: yep
Stretch marks: none yet...
Belly button in or out: Flattened
Sleep: Slightly better because I am sandwiching myself between a body pillow and regular pillow
Best moment this week: Having James feel baby boy move!
Worst moment this week: Being sick- I took a sick day yesterday and it's the worst!
Miss anything: nope not currently
Movement: Yes for Mommy AND Daddy
Cravings: Salty and Sour!
Queasy or sick: Sick but not because of pregnancy just a bad cold!
Looking forward to: the weekend!
Not looking forward to: nothing I'm not looking forward to right now

That's all for now! 

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