My First Niece and 24 Weeks

Today my first niece was born, also the first niece/nephew on my side of our family! My brother and his girlfriend welcomed their adorable baby girl Amelia Wyatt weighing in at 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measuring 21 inches! I have not got to meet her yet today or hear the full details of the delivery because clearly Mommy, Daddy, and Baby need rest, but Mommy only had 10 MINUTES of pushing time! It's their first baby!! So crazy and lucky! I'm like- dang girl, tell me your secret! I just can't wait to meet the darling little girl tomorrow!

This last couple of weeks I picked up a book that was given to us before Stella's birth- that I never read then, called The Birth Partner. It is a very popular book for the birth partner to read about how they can support Mama during labor, delivery, and postpartum. It got me thinking about ways that I can prepare myself for an easier delivery and I made a list of things I want to be working on daily!

  • Kegels (at least twice per day)
  • Squats (starting with 10 per day this week and then increasing by 5 each week after)
  • Daily walk (at least 15 minutes long)
  • 5 minutes daily meditation with breathing technique practice
  • Yoga or swim whenever possible

I'm excited to start this journey today with the start of 24 weeks! I'm also looking forward to taking another labor and delivery class in June. We took the class before with Mercy but since we have changed insurance to Kaiser I want to learn what their typical recommendations and procedures are, as well as refresh my memory on delivery positions and breathing practices.

Finally, here's my updated stats for 24 weeks:
Gender: Boy
Weight gain: +15.6 lbs
Maternity clothes: yep, I need more!
Stretch marks: none yet...
Belly button in or out: Flattened
Sleep: Slightly better because I am sandwiching myself between a body pillow and regular pillow
Best moment this week: Having my first niece born today!
Worst moment this week: none really
Miss anything: nope not currently
Movement: Yes for Mommy AND Daddy
Cravings: Salty and Sour!
Queasy or sick: realized my cold is probably allergies
Looking forward to: Spring Break next week!
Not looking forward to: Meeting Amelia tomorrow!

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