Whirlwind Summer

Wow I never expected this summer to fly by so fast! I thought "three weeks, relaxing in Europe...AWESOME!" But there was so much more to this summer that it just flew by! Before James and I went to Europe (BE- Before Europe) I had two weeks "off", of which I was a very involved bridesmaid in my dear friend Stefanie's wedding! It was so much fun! With help from Pinterest, I created these chalkboards; which turned out amazing IMO! ;)
I think this is one of my best!

(this last one is not my best, but it didn't end up being shown really anyway)

AE (After Europe) has been constant cleaning, organizing, sorting, labeling, aka getting everything ready for my new classroom! It's totally stressing me out! 
{small vent: It seems that I won't be getting the keys to my new classroom (because it isn't done yet) until less than a week before school starts! Which means that all the crap amazing stuff I have for my classroom is TAKING OVER MY HOUSE! SO MUCH TO DO- NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TIME!}

I know that many other teachers (especially new ones) feel this same stress every August, but I just can't help but wish school was already started and the year was in full gear! #DyingForSeptember

That's enough complaining ranting venting about my whirlwind summer!

I really wanted to write about this Whole Living Action Plan that James and I have been inconsistently doing since the day we got back! This is a three week healthy living detox to kickstart you back into good health. It is aimed for people who want to start the New Year off on a good healthy foot, but IMO you can start it any time you want. There is never a bad time to get healthy! So we borrowed a Juicer (thanks Ken & Mec) and have been juicing, blending, prepping, and cooking our way through the last two weeks!

We are only two weeks in but have been loving 98% of the recipes! Next to each recipe I have used a 4 star scale to let you know our opinion about each!
Here are the week one meals we ate:


Week Two Choices:
We chose to continue the same smoothies/juices from the first week and add two new juices, rather than eat the heavier oats etc... We also have had a few eggs here and there because we started a challenging work out program.

Roasted Vegetables With Quinoa (haven't tried yet)
Broccoli and Chickpea Salad (haven't tried yet)

For all of these amazing recipes it lists how many servings, which is great for one person because the leftovers of the recipe can be your lunch or dinner the next day. However, for two people it was a bit more difficult. I really had to look at each recipe, see how many times we would eat it during the week, see what ingredients we already had and decide a thorough grocery list. Since I wasn't able to find such a thing online I thought I would share our first two weeks of shopping! These lists also include some of the snacks we ate as well! 
Enjoy! (Week 1-pages 1-2, Week 2- page 3)

That's all for now (and who knows how long)!

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