I can't believe we're at week 17...

I'd like to informally call this the picture-less post. I will take a "bumpie" on Friday and post it though!

So today is the beginning of week 17- which means Little Baby Wiegand is the size of an onion (about 5.1 inches)! It's so crazy! There is beginning to be a lot of planning going on around here. I just called to schedule our gender ultrasound and was able to schedule it for the day of James' birthday! What a special present that will be! Also started looking at the prenatal classes our hospital offers today! Excited to get signed up for those soon as well! I also started looking at baby shower dates- I'm thinking the weekend after Memorial Day for mine and so excited to plan a beer and diaper party for James at the end of June!

Another thing going on in our lives- we've started looking at houses to possibly buy. We are looking for a 3 bedroom 2 bath, around the area we live now. The hard part is that everything that is perfect for us gets purchased instantly so we are trying to be patient and know the right house will pop up when it is the right time!

Along with figuring out about buying a house we are trying to figure out the best possible scenario for me taking time off work next year. I actually have a great set up with my school. I get 6 weeks paid disability at 60% and then any time I take off after that I get paid at a lower salary rate. It's a long confusing math problem but the good thing is that since I'm in a contracted salary that gets paid monthly, I will get paid during the time I am off, just at a lower rate. This really makes me think twice about how much time I want to take off! Additionally, my school is so flexible that there doesn't seem to be too little or too long of a time to take off. I really love my school and this is the cherry on top! (mmm... cherry pie sounds so good...)

One more "fun" thing going on with me- I'm off work today. Yesterday, I felt pretty badly all day- couldn't eat my lunch- just thought I'd eat the fruit I brought with me. Then I dropped my kids off at PE and went to check my temperature in the office (98.1*). I went to my partner's class to lay on her bean bag chair for a few and then as soon as I walked into my classroom I totally threw up in the trash can. I obviously went home and then had 100* fever last night. Fever is gone today but I have just been laying in bed resting all day! I've had a lot of kids out with the flu lately, so I'm thinking this is not pregnancy related- just got their germs.

Gender: unknown (we find out March 16th)
Weight gain: +4.6lbs (actually down a lb. from the last post-thanks salad)
Maternity clothes: All pants and bought a few shirts recently from Target- getting this adorable shirt delivered tomorrow
Stretch marks: Same- but know I will be growing rapidly now, so buying more Mustela this weekend
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Great deep sleep lately! Going to bed around 9pm and getting up at 6am!
Best moment this week: Girl Scout Cookies!
Worst moment this week: Throwing up yesterday!
Miss anything: Working out- still haven't been doing enough of this for myself!
Movement: A couple of times I've been suspicious about movement but not really certain. I know it will be coming in the next few weeks!
Cravings: My mouth is watering for cherry pie right now, but really lots of fruit cravings
Queasy or sick: Nope! -Just yesterday but flu related
Looking forward to: Telling my students I'm pregnant on Friday!
Not looking forward to: All the work I have to do in the next couple of weeks for report cards

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