Big Belly & Boredom

So this is the first summer that I have not had any big vacations planned or any job/work lined up. And. It. Is. Boring. I mean obviously things are going great for James and I but the days are dragging on so slowly. I am literally so bored at home every day- I have to force myself to get out of the house and do something daily!

My big baby belly is so slowing me down. I feel limited in the things I can do and places I can go (it's so hot outside). 

With only one month (approximately) left for this baby girl in my belly, I am eager to get her out and snuggle up with her and have her occupy my time.

How Far Along: 35 weeks 3 days
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: Does it really matter at this point?
Maternity clothes: Definitely but mostly wearing tanks and work out shorts as much as I can!
Stretch marks: same
Belly button in or out: James says it's flat, but I still think it's an innie!
Sleep: Sleep is so uncomfortable every day but my usual nap helps!
Best moment this week: All the little baby packages that I've ordered that keep arriving at my new house
Worst moment this week: Being bored...
Miss anything: Being able to do normal things without being hot and exhausted
Movement: Lots every day!
Cravings: Still lots of fruit, but also lots of cold things lately- popsicles, smoothies, etc...
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Fourth of July tomorrow!
Not looking forward to: Getting any bigger in the next 4 1/2 weeks!

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