18 Weeks

It's been a lot harder to keep track of where I am at in this pregnancy than it was when I was pregnant with Stella. I literally just had to look at the Bump app on my phone to double check that I am 18 weeks along with baby #2. Geez! I just (clearly and logically) don't have as much time to think about it with a toddler running around. I thought it would be good to do another update on baby's and mama's progress!

 (Picture is from 1 week ago but you get the point :) )

First of all, I have never craved Gushers Fruit Snacks more in my life than I do right now. Same with gummy bears and other sour candies. Also salty stuff- salted almonds or popcorn anyone? This is a sign pointing to having a boy- but we will see in just a couple weeks.

I'm definitely starting to pop out a lot more now with this little munchkin. I just went and looked back at my 18 week picture from with Stella and I'm definitely showing more with this one.

Gender: we'll know soon!
Weight gain: +5.5 lbs
Maternity clothes: just bought another new pair of jeans today- thank you 50% off Old Navy sale!
Stretch marks: none yet...
Belly button in or out: Flattening
Sleep: as mentioned in my last post- not great but because of Stella's sleep not pregnancy, though I am very uncomfortable
Best moment this week: Relaxing at home with Stella everyday! (No School this week!)
Worst moment this week: Non-pregnancy related but dealing with annoying work pay issues!
Miss anything: nope not currently
Movement: I think this week I have been starting to feel really light little movements!
Cravings: Gushers or sour candies!
Queasy or sick: None now!
Looking forward to: Hopefully getting out of town for a night or two for James' birthday next month!
Not looking forward to: Going back to school next week and trying to get a lot done before report cards are due!

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