Day 6: What I Do

Day 6: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question "what do you do"?

I've so been looking forward to answering this question!
In the last few years I have made a good effort to give myself some quality "me time"! Every year I set resolutions for things I would like to "do" more of- so here are some of those and a few more for a total of 10 things I "do":

1. I educate children academically, socially and emotionally to become contributors of society.
2. I read {about 1-2 books per month}.
3. I craft, design and create.
4. I plan, organize and delegate.
5. I lead and strive to be better.
6. I blogger, etsy, facebook, good reads, pinterest, twitter and instagram.
7. I work out {and use MapMyRun, Fitocracy-post to come soon, and MyFitnessPal}
8. I cook, clean and garden.
9. I shop
10. And I love.

I pretty much love how this sums me up! There is obviously much more to me than this but these definitely sum up my everyday "doings" and passions!

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